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Source Plasma Testing
Our custom-designed lab allows us to provide source plasma testing results within 3 business days.
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We perform the required assays for Source Plasma Screening. Customized testing is available for specialty collection programs. We can adapt to your business needs.
360 Customer Service
We’re here for YOU! From automated sample processing to video-conferencing, GCLT puts your testing needs first!
GC LabTech is a subsidiary of GC Pharma (South Korea) and was created in 2016 under the organization’s Global Expansion Strategy to aid in the development of plasma-derived products.
GC LabTech is revolutionizing the source plasma testing market with lean practices and multiple efficiencies that directly benefit our customers. GC LabTech has improved the overall plasma testing experience while improving the bottom line with reduced testing turnaround times and minimal sample volumes.
GC LabTech offers these advantages to every source plasma customer:
– Competitive laboratory testing fees.
– All required source plasma testing is completed within 3 business days of receipt.
– All plasma testing is performed on one 3mL plasma tube, allowing more plasma to be retained for manufacturing.
– All serum testing is performed directly from the collection tube with no pour-off (aliquoting) by collection center staff.
– Up to 384 plasma/serum samples can be shipped in one transport container. Samples can be received at temperatures up to 25℃. Sample types do not require sorting prior to shipping.
– Paperless transfer of testing orders and test results between GCLT and our customers.
– Fast, friendly customer service to quickly address customers’ concerns or questions.
– Our plasma testing menu contains all FDA-required testing and can easily be
expanded to meet our customer’s needs for vaccination programs or other specialty
plasma collection programs.
GC LabTech is now accepting new source plasma customers so contact us today to take full advantage of everything GCLT has to offer: competitive testing fees, reduced sample testing volumes, efficient sample shipping processes, and more! Contact us today!
GC LabTech is a registered establishment with the FDA (USA) and fully accredited by CLIA, College of American Pathologists, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15189. GC LabTech is also licensed by the California Department of Public Health for Out of State Testing and certified by the International Quality Plasma Program by the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association. GC LabTech has also successfully participated in audits from the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and multiple source plasma manufacturers.